The notebook command launches a Jupyter Lab instance with a pre-configured notebook for exploring your codebase.


codegen notebook [--background]


  • --background: Run Jupyter Lab in the background (default: false)

By default, Jupyter Lab runs in the foreground, making it easy to stop with Ctrl+C. Use --background if you want to run it in the background.

What it Does

This will:

  1. Create a Python virtual environment in .codegen/.venv if it doesn’t exist
  2. Install required packages (codegen and jupyterlab)
  3. Create a starter notebook in .codegen/jupyter/tmp.ipynb
  4. Launch Jupyter Lab with the notebook open

The notebook comes pre-configured with:

from codegen import Codebase

# Initialize codebase
codebase = Codebase('../../')

The notebook is created in .codegen/jupyter/, so the relative path ../../ points to your repository root.

Directory Structure

After running codegen notebook, your repository will have this structure:

├── .venv/          # Virtual environment for this project
├── jupyter/        # Jupyter notebooks
│   └── tmp.ipynb   # Pre-configured notebook
└── config.toml     # Project configuration


# Run Jupyter in the foreground (default)
codegen notebook

# Run Jupyter in the background
codegen notebook --background

# Initialize a new repository and launch notebook
codegen init && codegen notebook

The notebook command will automatically initialize codegen if needed, so you can run it directly in a new repository.